A bundled-up wedding couple and their two huskies hike toward their elopement spot at the base of a glacier in Colorado

Elopement timeline ideas

Choose your own adventure

Elopements are all about flexibility — where you go, how you spend your time, the wedding traditions you incorporate or don't — you really can tailor them to suit just about any kind of day you want to have.

We have so many ideas to help you plan an awesome elopement: a day that reflects who you really are and what you value, what you love to do together, and what you find fun.

In this giant post, we've got eloping ideas and photos to get the wheels turning on what's possible: wedding elements, adventure elements, and sample timelines bringing it all together.

Wedding elements

When it comes to weddings, we love to say, “all the rules are made up.” The only parts that really matter are the ones that feel important and meaningful to you.

So do everything you love, and ditch the rest.

Here are some wedding elements that people commonly choose to include:

A couple takes a break from the cold, warming up together by the fire with their dogs in their laps

Starting your day

The whole day really can be special! You could be ‘getting ready’, but you could also just be hanging out with your dogs, having coffee and donuts on the deck of your Airbnb, or spending a relaxing morning or evening on vacation (however that looks to you).

A couple in a forest stand facing away from each other before their first look in Rocky Mountain National Park

First look

Whether it's at your Airbnb or in the mountains, there's gonna be a point where you see yourselves in your wedding getups for the first time — and it's a cool feeling! Up to this point it's been a lot of emails and googling and planning and calls, but this is when all the ‘getting married’ stuff really starts to set in.

It can be really fun to document this part.

An eloping couple, their officiant, and their handful of guests stand on a cliff overlooking a lake and mountain peaks in Glacier National Park


This is the key part that combines any or all of the wedding elements you've decided to include. It could be just the I Do's, it could be a ring exchange, or vow exchange, or anything else. It could be just the two of you and Jess, or if you want to have some folks there with you on your wedding day, they can be.

We include optional officiation in all of our packages, and nearly everyone takes us up on this! Jess will write and perform a beautiful ceremony for you, based on your shared story and values.

A bride reads her wedding vows to the man she's marrying, both standing under a large, almost precariously-balanced rock in Big Bend National Park, Texas

Your vows

This is the thing where you look the person you're marrying in the eye, and you feel the butterflies, and all that they mean to you washes over you, and you think of all the ways they've been there for you, and you promise to be there for them, and you cry, and we cry, and everyone cries. It's great.

You can do this in front of any guests during the ceremony, or privately at any point in your wedding day. We’re happy to give you plenty of space!

A wedding couple and a dozen guests strike a silly group pose after the ceremony at this elopement in Zion National Park, Utah

Photos with guests

If having some folks with you on your wedding is important to you, and it fits the kind of day you want to have, it's a good idea to get at least one photo of everyone there together.

We're gonna get real here: weddings bring people together. And if your folks are anything like ours, getting everyone together like this doesn't happen all the time. These photos really could mean more than you could know.

A lesbian couple page through a boudoir photo album, a surprise gift after their elopement ceremony. Huge laughs

Exchanging gifts

Is gift-giving part of your love language? This would make a great time to exchange a little something to mark the day. Could be anything. We've seen couples give each other handmade pocket knives, sweet letters, a rare bottle of whiskey, and even a photo album from a surprise boudoir shoot.

A teary-eyed groom reads a heartfelt letter from a family member during a sunset picnic on the shore, after their elopement on the shore of a lake in Crested Butte Colorado

Letters from friends & family

If you're set on it being just the two of you on your wedding day, but some folks have made it reeeaallly clear that they want to be there, this could be a good way to have them feel included without them… actually being there.

Two brides hold hands in a goofy spin during their first dance on the shore of a lake near Veil, Colorado

A first dance

Do you go out dancing together? Or do you dance in your kitchen (like we do)? You could do that, to a song you love.

Adventure elements

This is the stuff that defines an adventure elopement.

Think about it — you probably want your wedding day to be special and fun, so why not include some things you already love (or might love) to do?

You could:

A bride and groom to-be crest a ridge at sunrise on their way to their elopement ceremony location in Rocky Mountain National Park

Take a hike

The Classic. The two of you, the two of us, getting out to somewhere incredible. It really is about the journey; coming up on an overlook, jumping over streams, seeing wildlife and wildflowers and birds, eating snacks… but having a jaw-dropping natural feature as the payoff doesn't hurt.

You don’t need to hike 6 miles to have an adventure, but you could. Chill beach walks are also great.

An elopement couple in a Jeep make their way down a rugged road with dramatic mountain peaks behind them


If you've poked around our Instagram, you know we're real into off-roading. By Subaru or Jeep or RZR or in one case, a rented Chevy Malibu (not recommended), it often finds its way into our adventures. First off it's a blast, and as a bonus, it lets you get out there in a relatively short amount of time.

A bride and groom paddling a kayak after their elopement ceremony. The bride is absolutely cracking up at their effort

Kayaking or canoeing

Why not?

An eloping couple share a drink at a beautiful bar after their elopement in Denver, Colorado

Have city or coffee date in town

Spend some time exploring your favorite neighborhood or the cute mountain town you're staying in!

Adventures can take all forms.

A close-up of a couple enjoying post elopement beers overlooking mountains near Buena Vista, Colorado

Drinks & snacks

Bring some trail beers or wine or tea or champagne or cupcakes

A woman looks lovingly at the man she's about to marry as he serenades her before their elopement ceremony in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Play some music

During your ceremony, out on the trail, or back at your cabin — nothing gets the tears flowing like serenading your partner on your wedding day. Super romantic!

What did we miss?

These are just starting points!

Really anything you can dream up, you can do on your wedding day. Whatever it is that makes you feel at home together, wherever you are in the world.

If you've got a really fun idea for your elopement, we'd love to hear about it.

Sample timelines

Here are some sample timelines inspired by real elopements and some of the best days we've experienced.

Each timeline can be tailored to fit your vibe, your location and your vision for your wedding day — but these are a damn good place to begin imagining what your elopement adventure could really be like.

A panoramic view of a bride and groom and their dog, framed by dramatic mountain peaks after their elopement in Lake City, Colorado

A full-day elopement in Colorado

A relaxing private day and a gorgeous hike to a spot you’ll literally never forget

12pm: Jess & Austin arrive at your mountainside Airbnb

12:30: Y'all hang out on the porch snacking on a light lunch, sipping coffee and video chatting your families

1:30: Time to start suiting up! You can do this together, or separately to keep the surprise

2pm: Let's go for a walk to a secret overlook spot for your first look at each other in your wedding clothes

2:30: Wrap up last-minute packing and head out the door

3:15: Arrive at the trailhead and hit the trail in your wedding clothes, hiking boots and packs! (Remember, this could be on foot or in a RZR/Jeep!)

4:30: Snack break by a beautiful creek (definitely put your feet in)

5:30: Still hiking, exploring, relaxing, talking, kissing, smelling wildflowers

7:30: This is it! Say your vows on the lake shore during golden hour

8:30: Watch the sun set together on your wedding day. Then start heading back

Mt. Rainier dominates a silhouetted couple on a pre-elopement hike in Washington

Full-day elopement in North Cascades Nat’l Park

Making some time for the little important things before and after an adventure

10am: Jess & Austin arrive at the awesome cabin you rented

10:30: Brunch buffet with family and friends – coffee, donuts, mimosas. Chill hang with everyone you love

11:30: You start getting your wedding stuff on! You’ll do this separately if you're planning a first look

12pm: You and your partner sneak out with us to a private wooded creek for a first look

12:30: Wrap up last-minute packing and head out the door

1:15: Arrive at the trailhead and hike a short way with your guests to a beautiful spot. We arrange everyone and jump into your ceremony!

2pm: Wrap up with some guest photos, hugs and goodbye-for-nows

2:15: The four of us head out toward our second trailhead of the day

2:30: Gear-up and hike! Exploring, relaxing, talking, kissing, taking in views, scampering on stuff, seeing sights

5:30: Throw down a blanket and exchange wedding gifts over a beer

6pm: Watch the sun set on your wedding day and then start heading back

A couple toast beers after their elopement on the shores of an alpine lake near Boulder, Colorado

Half-day elopement in Colorado

Wedding up front, party in the back.

3pm: Meet at the Visitor's Center, head up to the trailhead

3:30: A simple ceremony in a beautiful spot, with some guest photos afterwards

4pm: Your guests head back, and the four of us continue on the trail

4:30: Hiking and exploring! The butterflies from getting married are starting to wind down, and all that's left is a chill adventure with the person you love (and maybe cupcakes). Peak fall colors, alpine lakes, critters, overlooks, cliffs, streams. It's gorgeous

7pm: Take in one last view of the sun setting behind an epic peak on your wedding day. We gather our stuff and start heading back, smiles all around

The grand scale of desert canyons in Moab envelope an eloping couple and their officiant (Jess!)

Half-day elopement in Moab

Private elopement in the heart of a desert canyon

2:00pm: Hellos and hugs at a coffee shop in town! Also, we grab coffee.

2:10: We hit a 4x4 road heading out of town, following the river, hopping out to check out all the cool features along the way

3:15pm: We arrive at one of our favorite secret spots – incredible views of the Colorado River, canyon walls, rocky cliffs – it’s perfection. We explore!

4:30: Park near the cliff edge, pop the tailgate, pop the champagne, unwrap the picnic dinner you packed from the local co-op in town (love Moonflower!).

5:30: Hiking around the area, keeping an eye out for cool rocks, fossils, petroglyphs, and your perfect ceremony location.

6pm: Say your vows on a rocky cliff as the sun starts heading down in the desert

6:30pm: Heading back at dusk

An intimate moment between an eloping bride and groom sharing their first dance in the North Cascade mountains

Multi-day elopement in the PNW

Let’s split things up!

You're planning a wonderful weekend away together to get married, and we'll be there to document the whole thing. This is the perfect way to balance a true-to-you adventure one day with community and celebration the next.

Day 1: An intentional, down-to-earth day that's all about connecting together.

3pm: We meet at Cannon beach! We'll explore the low-tide for a while, checking out the tide pools and huge sea-stars, seaweed, crabs, shorebirds, spotting puffins through binoculars. Walk the beach as long as you like, getting excited for your wedding the next day. Crashing waves, feet in the sand.

5pm: Head into town for coffee or ice cream or both, pick up supplies for dinner at a farmers market

5:45: Back at your bayside villa, you two cook your favorite dinner together

6:30: Dinner, dessert and a shared bottle of wine on the balcony while you watch seals playing in the harbor

7:30: Splash of champagne in the hot tub to cap the day off.

Day 2: Your wedding day!

10am: We'll bring y'all lattes from town for a bit more relaxing on the porch. This would be a great time to exchange your wedding gifts.

11am: We'll caravan north a few hours along the coast, stopping at overlooks and viewpoints along the way

1pm: Break for lunch, you do your thing and we'll do ours!

3pm: Meet up at your family's coastal cottage to get into your wedding clothes. Hugs all around.

4pm: Walk the beach until we find the perfect rocky alcove for your ceremony

4:30: We'll kick the ceremony off and then do some portraits of the whole gang

5pm: Head back to the house for a beach-side catered dinner

6pm: Bonfire! Your BFF breaks out a guitar for your sweet first dance

7:30: We'll ditch the fam and head back down to the beach to catch the last rays of light before sunset on your first day of marriage.